
Name # Role Position Pos
Avatar Juan Martinez 7 Athlete
P1080660 Alex Garcia Athlete
20230908 155359 Alex Orozco Athlete
20230908 155124 Alexander Xolot Athlete
20230908 155251 %281%29 Daniel Esparza Athlete
Missing Daniel Mayorga Athlete
20230908 155243 %281%29 Einsten Martinez Athlete
20230908 155041 Isai Sandoval Athlete
Avatar Isaiah Simmons Athlete
Missing Jacob AjquI Athlete
Missing Jeremi Ramirez Athlete
20230908 155134 %281%29 Pedro Rosas Athlete
20230908 155422 %281%29 Yoxiel Cruz Athlete


Name Role
Adrian Blanton Coach
Bryant Mitchell Coach
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